Mailbox Delights

Found a lovely surprise in my mailbox tonight when I got home.


An entire box of Enfamil products, samples and coupons!

This being the 3rd baby I haven’t signed up on all the websites (mostly because I’ve forgotten to) and really didn’t expect any sample packs of anything. Not sure if this came from our Target baby registry or from registering at the hospital, either way, such a lovely surprise.

I’m especially excited to try those little green packets on the left. They’re supplement formula packets for breastfeeding moms who may need to supplement or are switching over to formula. Because of my health, the longest I’ve been able to breastfeed was. 3 months and that was with Damien. Kellan only got a month. While I would prefer to breastfeed until solids, my health simply doesn’t allow it. BUT I’ve been able to give my babies the most important month. And honestly formula has gotten amazing, I have two very very healthy boys even mostly formula fed.

I’ve used the little pre-made bottles there next to the green packets and LOVE the ease of use. They’re especially great when traveling so that you don’t have to make up bottles or when you have a new babysitter. (or when you have a migraine and can’t think straight enough to measure out powder). Adding the nipple attachments is bonus points!

An entire canister of powder, gentle systems formula at that, is an amazing blessing when you’re low income. Formula is not cheap and often a strain on already tight budgets. WTG Enfamil! You just scored big points with me!

On the far right in the yellow packets are more to-go packets which are so handy in diaper bags. We used these all the time with both boys.

Plus they included two $5 off coupons and a booklet all about baby feeding. If I were a forest time mom, that info would be invaluable. It’s awesome that they put it in there.

Big THANK YOU!!  to Enfamil.

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